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2024 Calgary & Edmonton Guitar Show Exhibitors Confirmed in July

31-Jul-2024 - REGINA SK

We're excited to announce several new and returning Exhibitors for our 2024 Guitar Show events in Calgary and Edmonton AB

Exhibit Booth Sales have been Brisk!

Pre-show Setup at the 2023 Edmonton Guitar Show
Pre-show Setup at the 2023 Edmonton Guitar Show

We're super excited to report that July bookings for our Fall 2024 Alberta Guitar Shows have exceeded expectations!

Orders are in from both repeat exhibitors like Kiss & Co. Guitar Parts, Gilmore Guitars, Well-Hung Guitar Accessories, Labyrinth Guitars, Northerner Guitars and many more.

We're fortunate to have a few first time exhibitors join us as well, including UnReal Guitars, Trinity Guitars, Fireside Instruments, Karwandy Master Luthier, and several collectors and resellers.

Vintage Fender Stratocaster Collectible at the 2023 Calgary Guitar Show
Vintage Fender Stratocaster Collectible at the 2023 Calgary Guitar Show

We've also experienced higher that average Attendee interest on our Facebook Events for Calgary and Edmonton.

2024 is shaping up to feature the largest and highest attended shows in our Alberta history.

Check out our confirmed 2024 Calgary Guitar Show Exhibitors!

And, our 2024 Edmonton Guitar Show Exhibitor confirmations can be found here!